Friday, October 23, 2009

Pitchfork Really Likes Atlas Sound, Fuck Buttons and Russian Circles

Fuck Buttons "Tarot Spot" received a 9.0 rating, Atlas Sound "Logos" received a 8.2 rating and Russian Circles "Geneva" received a 7.8 rating. All albums are available at your local record store now.

Them Crooked Vultures Announce Release Date

Debut album will be released on Nov. 17.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Under the Radar: Fanfarlo

New album "Reservoir" out now on Atlantic Records.

Produced by Peter Katis (The National, Interpol), Resevoir employs an array of instruments to create each lushly arranged track, including saws, clarinets, cellos, mandolins, ukuleles and melocias. First track "I'm a Pilot" looks ot Howard Hughes' slow demise as inspirations. Whether its its the choice of isolation we purposefully devise or the inevitable end to it all, as in the track "The Walls Are Coming Down," Fanfarlo give us no choice but to succumb to the ebbs and flows, reflections and letting go that are conveyed in each metaphor that make this album so instrumentally and intellectually rich. Though a sense of melancholy permeates Resevoire, Simon's heartfelt voice and each band member's uncompromised musicianship invites us to soar above it all and simply let go.

Spin named them one of their "25 Must-Hear Artists from the CMJ Festival". Check out their song ""Harold T. Wilkins, Or How To Wait For A Very Long Time" here:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Flaming Lips - Embryonic 9.0

Pitchfork gives the new album a 9.0 "Best New Music" rating.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pitchfork Likes Girls, Times New Viking and Nick Cave & Warren Ellis

Girls "Album" 9.1 rating. Times New Viking "Born Again Revisited" 8.1 rating. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis "White Lunar" 7.6 rating.

Under the Radar: Girls - Album

Girls’ debut album, Album, was just released last week, but the buzz over the group has been building for some time. It’s easy to hear why: The 44-minute Album is a marvelous mixture of sunny pop and catchy hooks, blended with occasionally heartbreaking (but always heartfelt) lyrics; it seems to demand that you roll the windows down while turning the volume up.

Founded by Christopher Owens and Chet “JR” White in San Francisco, the group has crafted 12 tracks that nod to their home state, with surfy melodies and harmonies; Owens’ emotive, often plaintive voice might bring to mind a young Elvis Costello. Most of the songs are about—surprise!—girls, and clearly, Owens was grappling with a bad breakup, as evidenced on melancholy songs like “Lauren Marie” and “Laura.” But we’re partial to the infectious single “Lust for Life,” which wishes for simple things like a suntan and “a pizza with a bottle of wine,” and points to a hopeful attempt in starting afresh: “Maybe if I really tried with all my heart/ Then I could make a brand new start in love with you.” (courtesy of